"Laying The Trap"

Bunnie flinched. The rabbit instantly covered her eyes with her long ears. "S-sorry, milady–"

"Ah, just shut your mouth!" Xuan Lincheng vented her frustration to the poor bunny. "You are useless. You can't even help me in this situation."

The girl just spoke when her cellphone rang. She paused for a second before checking her phone. There's an unknown number calling her there.

! Unknown number? Is this...that helper? The one that the game company sent to assist a chosen player?

Xuan Lincheng's eyes lit up. Her mind was clouded with her frustration. Thus, she didn't check the phone number at all and just picked up the call.

"Good evening, are you that helper– " Xuan Lincheng was speaking in an energetic tone when a calm, hoarse voice of a girl sounded over the phone.

"Good evening, student Xuan. You sound so happy to hear me. Do you miss me that much?" Lai Jiayi sneered. The girl just closed her eyes and didn't bother to hold her phone at all.

! This voice...Lai Jiayi??

Xuan Lincheng's face turned dark. The girl shouted on top of her lungs, "Lai Jiayi, you b*tch! How did you get my number– "

"If you can get mine, why can't I? Anyway, I didn't call you just for you to curse me." Lai Jiayi rolled her eyes and softly laughed.

"Have you been waiting for Zhao Yang from 6 p.m? He's not there yet, yes?"

Lai Jiayi's words stabbed Xuan Lincheng's heart. The girl wobbled. The phone in her right hand almost slipped out of her grip and fell to the floor.

'How...how does she know about this?'

Blood rushed to Xuan Lincheng's head. The girl's eyes reddened.

"How do you know?! Speak, you b*tch– "

"Hehehe. How, huh? I bet you think that Zhao Yang was at his company until now. But, you see…" Lai Jiayi purposely trailed off. The girl played with her hair as she stared at the pitch-black sky with a sneer on her face.

"He was at my house, from 6 p.m...to 8 p.m. Oh right, Zhao Yun was also here. Both of them are so kind as to feed me since I'm sick, " Lai Jiayi spoke in a coy voice.

Xuan Lincheng staggered. Her veins were popping out on her forehead.

"You lie! That's bullish*t– "

"Aiyah, what to do? I don't know why they are so kind to me." Lai Jiayi sighed, sounding troubled.

"Those two even gave me a portable ice pack, a bowl of porridge...Zhao Yang even personally made me orange-flavored jelly, " Lai Jiayi lied about the jelly thing without batting an eyelid.

The girl's acting was so good that even Yaya got goosebump.

'Jia, you sound so annoying!! I almost want to slap your face.'

It turned out, Yaya wasn't the only one wanting to slap Lai Jiayi. If there's an online slapping service, Xuan Lincheng would be the first one to pay.

'This b*tch!! What did she say? Zhao Yang came to her house and even gave her food?! She also got that expensive portable ice pack??'

Xuan Lincheng's face turned pale. The girl's heart was racing fast. Her breath turned short and rough. Her chest moved up and down as she tightened her fist until her nail sunk in.

"I don't believe you. You just want to provoke me." Xuan Lincheng took a deep breath and tried to stay calm, but then Lai Jiayi switched the call to a video call.

She picked up her phone and showed the portable ice pack on her forehead.

"See this? Do you think my poor a*s can afford this? Surely not, right?" Lai Jiayi laughed like a maniac. "If you look closer, there's a Zhao company logo there. It's their brand."

'I'm sure Zhao Yang is the one buying the ice pack. He ordered Tianjin to do that, and that's why the time limit for the tears mission before was until Tianjin came back.'

Lai Jiayi had a smug smile on her face. She then immediately turned off the camera and switched the video call back to the voice call.

"Now, you believe me? You still don't? Uh-oh, what a pity. Well, no wonder your barometer progress is so slow. You are also slow." Lai Jiayi clicked her tongue and sighed.

"I heard that Zhao Yang avoids you, huh? Aish, as expected. You are a scaredy-cat. Just like your AI." Lai Jiayi closed her eyes and apologized to Bunnie in her head.

'Sorry, Bunnie, but I need to drag you.'

"What?! What did you say you b*tch– " Xuan Lincheng flared up. The girl almost crushed her phone when Lai Jiayi cut her off.

"Oops, I only said the truth, ah. Isn't our AI a representative of our character? Since you got that smart yet cowardly bunny...I thought you are also a coward."

Lai Jiayi spoke in an innocent tone as if she didn't mean any harm.

"Now, I know why you hide from me, and your barometer never rises anymore. Say, won't you be the first one to lose the game?"

Lai Jiayi's words cut Xuan Lincheng's patience string. The girl snapped.

"I'm NOT A COWARD! You b*tch! I'll show you– "

"Oh, you are not? Then I'll see if your barometer ever rises again." Lai Jiayi giggled.

"Bye." She then abruptly cut the video call and tossed her phone to the bed.

"Done. Now let's see whether she will fall to the trap or not." Lai Jiayi whistled. The girl looked at Yaya with sparkling eyes, but Yaya looked at the girl with a horrid face.

"Jia...is this really you, quack? How come you sound so malicious, quack?"

This is not Jia!

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