"Friyay Special Mission Week 3" 

Zhao Yang opened his eyes and sighed. The man slowly laid down on the bed. He covered his eyes with his right arm.

Zhao Yang tugged the corner of his lips. A bitter smile merged on his face.

"Ha. Jun Banjie. You are right, " Zhao Yang murmured to himself.

"I don't deserve to be happy."


Friday, week 3

06:00 a.m

"Mmm…." Lai Jiayi yawned. The girl rubbed her eyes and turned her body to the left. Her head instantly touched Yaya's body.

! Cold!

Lai Jiayi abruptly opened her eyes and raised. The ice pack on her forehead fell to the bed with a soft thud.


Lai Jiayi blinked. The room was still dark, except for the bed area. The faint sunlight shone through the glass ceiling, giving a bit of lighting.

Lai Jiayi looked around her room as she touched her forehead. It wasn't hot anymore. Not to mention that the girl felt super fresh today.

All her exhaustion was washed away by a night's sleep.

'Ah, I think I'm better now.'