"A Fight" 

Before going to college, Lai Jiayi quickly changed to a brown shirt. The shirt had a boy scout vibe. To look more formal, she didn't forget to wear the white-maroon-navy tie around her neck.

"Yosh, let's go to college!" Lai Jiayi stretched and fixed her ponytail.

The girl then headed to college while wearing a black skirt, reaching her thigh. Even though she wore a skirt, the girl still used a bicycle to go to college.

15 minutes later.

Lai Jiayi and Yaya had just arrived at college. The girl parked her bicycle and walked to her department's building when suddenly, she heard a few students around were talking to each other.

"Hey, is it true that the campus' goddess drops out?"

"Yeah, that's what I heard. Xuan Lincheng, right? She suddenly resigned this morning!"

"What?? Why is that?"

"Some people said that it's because her only family passed away. Her brother? I forgot."

"Aish, what a pity. So, did she move out or what?"