"Pressing Spoon"

[Ohhh, that's an excellent idea, quack!] Yaya nodded in excitement. [So you will purposely cast aside the carrots, quack?]

[Yep! Let's see if Zhao Yang will reach or not. I bet he will because he is someone who can't see others wasting food. He will take the bait.] Lai Jiayi subconsciously tugged the corner of her lips.

The girl then started to eat chicken soup, but she would always pick up the carrot and put them on a separate plate.

At first, Zhao Yang didn't notice anything wrong, but after a few minutes passed by, the plates of carrots next to the bowl of soup was filled to the brim.

One could see the carrots formed a small tower.

Zhao Yang furrowed his eyebrows. He put down his food utensils and gawked at the girl with a cold gaze.

"Why are you putting the carrots aside?"

! This is it!

Lai Jiayi pretended to flinch. The girl stiffly lifted her head and smiled sheepishly. "T-that...I want to eat it later…"