"The Suspicious Rabbit" 

[Yaya, is this possible?? Getting a second AI? They're forcing me, ah!] Lai Jiayi looked at Yaya with teary eyes. The girl was afraid that Yaya would feel down or something.

But contrary to her thoughts, Yaya only nodded.

[It's possible, quack. But isn't this good? You have more allies, quack!] Yaya grinned as he silently thought.

'There must be something wrong here. There's no way the game company sends more than an AI to a player. Except…'

Yaya gulped.

'Maybe the game company wants to keep an eye on Jia? We, the AI assigned for the players, are supposed to monitor them and be the surveillance camera.'

Yaya lowered his head.

'But unlike the others, I don't send the footage of my camera 24 hours a day. I only send them the things I think are safe to be sent. Things regarding Jia's father and such...or her interaction with Zhao Yang…'

Yaya closed his eyes and sighed.