
"I...don't have even a single idea about this matter." Lai Jiayi hopped on her bike and slowly saddled away from the college yard.

"You see, I don't even know if Zhao Yang will want to see me..." The girl gripped her bike handle tight. Her three-colored tie swayed as she leaned forward.

'It will be hard to interact with Zhao Yang now. Can I get this special mission's prize?'

Yaya went silent with Lai Jiayi's words. The duck floated down from the girl's head and sighed. "Maybe if you say you need Zhao Yang's help, he will help you, quack?"

'That guy is kind, after all.'

"What help? Curing my diarrhea?" Lai Jiayi rolled her eyes. She got reminded of Zhao Yang's words back at the restaurant.

'Ha, how could he say that I had diarrhea just because I was taking too long in the restroom?! He even said that in front of Zhao Yun!!'

Lai Jiayi could feel her face turned hot even though the autumn wind was quite cooling.