"What To Say" 

Lai Jiayi was already drenched in a cold sweat.

'Should I move away...or not?!'

The girl was thinking hard when Zhao Yang suddenly glanced to the left.

He looked at Lai Jiayi's pale face and slowly stepped aside, creating a meter distance from the girl. It was precisely a meter, not more, not less.

Lai Jiayi noticed this, and she silently sighed in relief.

'Thank God he realized…'

Since she was now at a safe distance, Lai Jiayi could finally think calmly. The girl also didn't feel as nervous as before.

'Alright, because Zhao Yang is considerate of me, I can assume that he's not angry at me, right? I can talk to him, right?'

Lai Jiayi had just thought so when Zhao Yang stopped walking. The guy then spoke in a stern voice,

"So. What's your problem?"

Lai Jiayi halted her steps. The girl paused for a moment before walking forward a few steps and only then turned around to face the man.