
Lai Jiayi bit her lips again until blood slowly oozed out. She looked up at Zhao Yang with the edge of her eyes dropped low.

"A-are you mad at me? D-did I do something wrong? I-is it because of my confession– "

"No– no." Zhao Yang instantly panicked. His head went blank. The sight of Lai Jiayi looking like she almost cried just tugged his heartstring. The blood on the girl's lips just made it worse.

"Listen. I– "

"Ah, I-i know. Y-you must hate me because I-i brazenly confess to you, right, b-boss?" Lai Jiayi gripped her left arm tightly. Her voice was shaking, and she sounded like she's crying.

When she's not.

"I-if that's the case, I-i will apologize. I-i am sorry to trouble you. I-i am sorry I make you u-uncomfortable with my confession. I– "

"Enough!" Zhao Yang suddenly raised his voice. The man's loud shout startled Lai Jiayi and even Yaya. The duck almost failed the making of the tear gas.

Lai Jiayi flinched. The girl subconsciously took a few steps back.