
"Lai Jiayi, what– happened– "

Zhao Yang kept mumbling as he pressed his right sleeve to Lai Jiayi's eyes. The guy looked down at the girl with sweat slowly dripping down his forehead.

The eyeshield on his eyes was gone, but no one paid attention to that. The guy slowly put Bunnie inside his chest pocket with a trembling hand.

Now, not only his hand but his body was also trembling. His fingers won't stop fidgeting. Zhao Yang subconsciously took a few steps forward as he whispered,

"What– what...why...did I do something– "

The guy really had the habit to blame everything on himself. Still, he didn't realize this.

Zhao Yang just leaned closer and his towering body covered Lai Jiayi's body from the blinding sunlight of the sunset.

The distance between the man and the girl was so close that at this moment, Lai Jiayi could hear Zhao Yang's heartbeat.


The man's calming nature scent lingered in the air until Lai Jiayi could smell it.