
Lai Jiayi instantly looked up and caught the sight of a floating silver car. The car stopped in front of the bar, and a man came out.

The young man looked down at his bangle, not paying attention to anything in front of him. He still wore three-layered clothes like the one he wore before, but tonight, he folded his suit sleeve up to his elbow.

Lai Jiayi instantly knew why he did that.

'It must be to hide the wet part on his sleeve! The one I use to wipe my tears. Ah, but why doesn't he change his clothes? Or maybe he goes straight here from his company...'

Lai Jiayi thought as she turned around, pretending not to see Zhao Yang.

'It will be quite hard to tail him if I'm discovered.'

[Jia, I think we should hide behind that pillar over there, quack.] Yaya suddenly dragged Lai Jiayi's collar before slipping inside the girl's sweater again.

[This way, Zhao Yang won't see you, quack.]