"We Are Friends"

"Y-yes. D-dad used to make me hot chocolate when it's winter." Lai Jiayi nodded. She subconsciously smiled when she mentioned her father. 

Her smile was so gentle and genuine that Zhao Yang felt something stirring his heart. His chest tightened. 

'She looks so happy when she mentions her father. She must love him a lot.' 

"You...love your dad a lot, huh?" Zhao Yang tugged the corner of his lips.

'Her dad must be an amazing father. Unlike...mine.' 

Zhao Yang's eyes darkened. He shook his head and took the coffee cup as he waited for Lai Jiayi's answer. 

"Mmm...I-I really love my dad." Lai Jiayi grinned. The girl silently thanked Zhao Yang for bringing this topic. 

'From here on, it will be easy to mention my experience!' 

"H-he is the best father in the world." Lai Jiayi's eyes narrowed into a straight line. One could see she couldn't stop smiling. "H-he...is my savior."