
Lai Jiayi brought back her words that she spoke to Zhao Yang last week, at the graveyard. The previous week's conversation raised her barometer by 5%. 

That conversation was a success. That's why bringing it up again now wouldn't do harm. 

"Loyal…" Zhao Yang mumbled. The man shook his head and sighed. "I can't say that– " 

"B-but you still love her even until now…" Lai Jiayi interrupted. "You never moved on, right?" 

Zhao Yang's heart trembled. The sentence 'you never moved on' somehow stabbed his conscience. 

'Is that a good thing...or not?' 

"...yes. I haven't moved on from her." Zhao Yang nodded weakly. He didn't dare to look at Lai Jiayi since he remembered the girl's sayings when she confessed to him. 

'Time waits for no one.' 

"Mmm...I-I am sure that you have your reasons not to move on from Jia Biyu…" Lai Jiayi smiled stiffly. "T-that's why…"