
"Phone number?" Zhao Yang was taken aback. He looked at Lai Jiayi with wide eyes, as if he just saw something unbelievable. 

'Is this girl already hitting on me? She's so fast.' 

"Y-yes, I-I think I-I will need your phone number, b-boss…" Lai Jiayi wriggled her fingers. She didn't dare to look at Zhao Yang's eyes and could only look at the space between his eyebrows. 

"For what?" Zhao Yang asked in a flat tone. He put his right arm on his thigh and narrowed his eyes. The man looked like a fierce investigator. 

'For what? Look, I can't go home until I get your number, ah!!' 

Lai Jiayi just smiled sheepishly as she scratched her nose bridge. "T-that, we are friends, right? I-I thought friends exchange numbers…" 

'Good, this is the safest option! Hohoho, good job me!'