"The Newest Update" 

Xiu Mei didn't dare to check her barometer. The girl just sniffled quietly and glanced at the black screen of her phone. She couldn't think straight at the moment. 

The only thing she could do that day...was to leave quietly after asking Bell to send a message to Zhao Yang through Tianjin. 

The date was ruined, and Alfred told Qin Bai about this as a part of the information that Qin Bai bought earlier. 

[Mistress, that brat has gone home. Zhao Yang left her, and that girl left on her own too, kukuk.] 

[Oh, really? That's good.] Qin Bai smiled sweetly. The woman was currently walking around the stores with Lai Jiayi and Shan Liang. 

"Lil sis." Qin Bai tugged on Lai Jiayi's clothes, allowing Shan Liang to walk in front of them. 

"Yes?" Lai Jiayi halted her steps. She turned around and saw Qin Bai smiled. The woman then brought her lips closer to Lai Jiayi's left ear.