"The Mission List" 

'Not to mention that...Qin Bai's shift is so short.  She doesn't have a lot of time to interact with Zhao Yang.' 

Lai Jiayi's face turned pale. She looked at Qin Bai with concern in her eyes. "Big sis…" 

'If Qin Bai's mission is this hard...I wonder what do the other players get?' 

"Don't worry. I can figure it out somehow." Qin Bai waved her hand. She then looked at Lai Jiayi's eyes and smiled. "Have you seen the other players' mission? I check them just now." 

"Eh? We can see it?" Lai Jiayi widened her eyes in shock. She lifted her phone to check the truth. 

"Yes. There's a small box at the end of the mission details. We can see the list of the other players' Obligation mission." Qin Bai pointed at the small navy blue box on Lai Jiayi's phone screen. 

The navy blue box just popped out after Lai Jiayi finished reading all the information in her personalised mission.