"Grey Check Mark"

Lai Jiayi stiffened. Her body froze still as she stared at the popping mission board in front of her eyes. 

Get Zhao Yang to send me a goodnight greeting? 

The room was silent. Lai Jiayi was silent. But, the notification warning before had woken up Yaya. The duck also knew about this sudden mission, and he couldn't help but gasp. 

Crazy. The game developer is crazy. 

The duck peeked at Lai Jiayi. The girl was clenching her teeth as her eyes reddened. 


Yaya gulped. He suddenly feared Lai Jiayi since the girl seemed to change in a span of a few hours. 

"Ha." Lai Jiayi snorted. She closed her eyes while still clenching her fists tightly. "Getting Zhao Yang to say goodnight to me through a message." The girl repeated the mission's name. 

'Fck you, game developer!! Whoever sent me that mission– GWAHHH!!'