"Share Your Problem"

Lai Jiayi was about to ask whether Zhao Yang had another method than listening to Ming Yue's music when the man sent another message. 

|But, I can send you her songs. Do you prefer digital or CD?| 

Lai Jiayi was stunned. Her fingers on the phone screen stopped moving. 

'Ehhhh, this guy will give me Ming Yue's songs??' 

Sending her songs meant that the man would buy the songs and give it to her. That...was quite a move coming from such a cold man. 

Lai Jiayi couldn't help but smile. She giggled again. 

|Ahhh, no, no, no need, boss! I don't want to burden you. Please keep the songs for yourself. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ | 

Lai Jiayi used 'panicking' emoji at the end of her sentence, sending off a cute vibe for the third time already. 

Zhao Yang, who saw this, couldn't help but feel warm inside. It's been a while since someone exchanged messages with him using cute emojis.