"Marker Game" 

'What is my master doing?' 

Tianjin peeked at Zhao Yang, who was silently chatting with someone else through the messenger app and couldn't help but sigh. 

'Ah, is he texting? It's rare for my master to text anyone at this hour. Is it a business-related talk? He even stops his work and just types…' 

Tianjin had no way to know that Zhao Yang was currently chatting with Lai Jiayi. 

The girl didn't waste this chance to explain things to Zhao Yang so that he would agree with her sudden and unreasonable demand. 

|It is a simple marker game! We can eat at G restaurant while playing this, boss. I...want to repay your kind advice last night. Of course, if you have time…| 

Zhao Yang raised the corner of his lips at this text. He tapped his fingers to the table, contemplating things. 

'I will go to the G restaurant for lunch, anyway. Playing whatever game it is with this girl...doesn't sound bad.'