"A Taboo" 

Why is it bad? Because that word was a taboo. 

'Crazy. Who can blatantly say that our boss is an iceberg? They have a death wish!' 

All the people in neat clothing broke in a cold sweat. Both women and men in the room felt like the winter got even worse. Their face paled to the point of turning white like the snow outside. 

'Has the boss seen that word? What will he do once he sees it? That must be young master Zhao Yun's doings, right??' 

The people in the room shuddered. They knew that the word 'iceberg' was somehow a taboo word among the employees. 

At one time Zhao Yang heard it, he was in a bad mood for a whole week. 

'What to do?? Don't let our boss see that!!' 

The others were screaming internally, and they couldn't focus on the presentation anymore. Even the presenter also shivered from head to toe.