"Beautiful Misunderstanding" 

Lai Jiayi already knew the whole story from Yaya about how Qin Bai used her points to ask Terry to make an antidote for her. 

That must cost quite a lot of points. 

"I-I'm sorry that I use your precious points," Bunnie spoke again on Lai Jiayi's behalf. 

"It's okay. Let's just say this is my way to repay you for helping me before." Qin Bai casually waved her hand. The white pigeon on her shoulder, floated away and circled the woman's head. 

[What is okay, mistress? You lost almost all your measly points, kukuku!] Alfred protested. But, he couldn't let Lai Jiayi hear it. 

'That girl had indeed saved my mistress' life.' 

[It's worthy of the help she offered.] Qin Bai had a gentle smile on her face as she patted Lai Jiayi's belly. 

"Stay here. I'll cook something for us, and then you should rest. I don't know if the poison has any other side effects." Qin Bai slowly stood up and left with Alfred.