"To Handle Someone" 

That morning, Yaya made sure to grind Lai Jiayi hard, until the girl didn't dare to make any other ridiculous ideas to court Zhao Yang. 

"Uh…" Lai Jiayi looked at the piece of paper on her hand and glanced at Yaya. The duck was watching her every move with sharp eyes. 

Damn it!! Yaya said that if I don't make up for the lost barometer, he will slash me!! 

Lai Jiayi crumpled the paper for a bit before slowly plastering it on the glass wall. She carefully wrote something on the paper. 

'Because it's summer, I can't use the foggy thing like yesterday. Paper will do.' 

Lai Jiayi wrote using a pen, and she made sure that her handwriting was beautiful. The girl then called Yaya over to read the content. 

[How is it? This is decent, right?] Lai Jiayi gulped as she looked at Yaya, who was inspecting her work. 

Yaya squinted at one sentence Lai Jiayi wrote. It was simple, but quite a good pick up line.