"The Blooming Seed" 

"R-right now?" Lai Jiayi gulped. Her palm suddenly became sweaty, and her body felt cold. It was as if she was facing a guillotine. 

"Yes, now. Before we eat." Zhao Yang nodded. "After we eat, we try to hold hands again. How is it?" Zhao Yang blinked.

The young man put on an innocent face, but Lai Jiayi saw it differently. She had the urge to crack Zhao Yang's head open and see his true nature. 

'For God sake. I bet he is not entirely cold. As a businessman, shouldn't he be shrewd too? And shameless. Yes, don't tell me...that arrogant character he showed me before….was also real?' 

Lai Jiayi started to think nonsense. 

'Maybe that character was hidden deep inside his consciousness, and Zhao Yang hadn't realised it yet!' 

Lai Jiayi was in a daze, and Zhao Yang couldn't help but frown. He snapped his fingers.