"Forceful Elimination" 

Yaya gritted his teeth. He was in disbelief. 

'I have heard from the senior guide AI that the game's shop suddenly sells unique items in the fourth week of the game. But to think they also sell a skill!' 

Yaya shook his head. He was reluctant to believe this, but in the end, he chose to believe it. He pressed the 'skills' plaque, and the shop's display instantly changed. 

Now, there were ten or more boxes with only a skill name written on it. Each of the boxes had a picture symbolising the skill. 

"Hmmm, these skills...all required 5000 points or more." Lai Jiayi rolled her eyes at the price tag of the skill. Even the cheapest one was labelled with 5000 points. 

Who would waste their points for skills that they might obtain using a normal way? 

"It's expensive indeed, quack, but I think these skills can't be obtained using a normal way," Yaya spoke sternly. His eyes caught sight of one particular skill.