"There's Still A Chance" 

"The condition is– if you one day love someone, I have to know them! I can't let any women harm you, uncle." Zhao Yun giggled happily. 

'Of course, it would be best if that woman is Miss Witch. She's the most ideal one to replace Biyu's existence in my uncle's heart.' 

"Mmm. Don't worry. I'll never marry anyone that you don't like." Zhao Yang nodded. He didn't realise that his words already added one positive point for Lai Jiayi. 

"Good, good. Then while we are talking about marriage..." Zhao Yun paused. He tugged the corner of his lips and smirked. 

"Uncle, what do you think about Lai Jiayi?" 

Zhao Yang almost died from his blood stuck in his throat. 

"Why is it that girl again??" The man raised his voice as he glared at Zhao Yun. His eyes were red, but his cheeks also turned red. 

Zhao Yun raised an eyebrow at his uncle's reaction. He couldn't help but chuckle. 

Aha, uncle is both irritated and embarrassed, huh.