"Someone, Explain!" 

"What are you doing?!" Zhao Yun suddenly raised his voice at Tianjin. The boy gritted his teeth as his eyes turned dangerous. 

"I told you to check on Miss Witch. Just go! Leave my uncle to me." 


Tianjin was taken aback by Zhao Yun's attitude. The swan was slightly intimidated, yet she didn't want to stay any longer. 

"O-okay, I'm going!" The swan dashed to the kitchen while Zhao Yun turned on his bangle and started to scan his uncle's body. 

'Let's check my uncle's condition first.' 

The boy leaned Zhao Yang's body to the back and unbuttoned the man's shirt. He even took off his uncle's digital tie as he checked his uncle's complexion. 

Zhao Yang was panting softly, and his breathing was too weak compared to the usual. 

BIP. [Scanning complete.] 

[Target is suffering from insomnia, fatigue, radiation side effect, and shock.] 

[20% lack of sleep, 30% fatigue and 50% shock.] 

...what? Shock?