"Show Him Her Naked Back" 

Bunnie bit her lips. Her body trembled hard as she opened her mouth. 

"T-this is all Bunnie's fault! B-bunnie speaks to milady, and that's why– " 

"Stop, stop. It's ok. We are just joking." Zhao Yun hurriedly stopped Bunnie from explaining. He just had a hunch that the rabbit would start crying if they dragged this on. 

"Most importantly, miss, have you cooked dinner yet? I bet you haven't, right?" Zhao Yun picked Yaya and placed him on his lap as he spoke to Lai Jiayi. 

"Uh, yes, I haven't– " 

"Then, I think you have you hurry, Miss! We have to prepare food before my uncle wakes up." Zhao Yun urged Lai Jiayi as he waved his hand. 

"O-okay!" Lai Jiayi didn't refute at all and immediately stood up. The girl bowed at Zhao Yun before rushing back to the kitchen together with Bunnie. 

But strangely, even though Zhao Yun urged the girl to leave, he didn't let Yaya go yet.