"Titles and Achievements" 

Lai Jiayi felt despair. 

It's not the same despair as the one she experienced in front of her bad luck and the overwhelming advantage of other players. 

It was despair when she realised that the game company truly did their best to hype up the game as well as keeping her in check. 

Lai Jiayi just underestimated the company's creativity to change the game as they wish. 

[Hahaha….] Lai Jiayi laughed in the face of absolute helplessness. The girl knew well that in the future, she would be shocked by many game skill features that would obstruct her way. 

It was a mistake not to quickly try a way to gain a skill in the game. But it's not entirely Lai Jiayi's fault. In the first place, the players didn't know all the skill lists provided. 

They would be given information only when they triggered a way to get the skill. If not, they wouldn't even know the skill feature existed as there's no official update announcement.