"Flirty Yaya" 

Ahhhh. This is a new variable, an unexpected one. What to do? Can I flirt with Zhao Yang now? But if not now...when will I have time? I'll always be around Zhao Yun when I see Zhao Yang later! 

Lai Jiayi was in a deep dilemma. 

She didn't want to let Yaya flirt and drag her name into the mud, but if she didn't do that, she would have another punishment tomorrow. 

That's not nice. 

Lai Jiayi bit her lips as she chatted with Zhao Yun, who appeared like he didn't want to leave. On the contrary, Zhao Yang was getting restless. He glanced at his bangle and frowned. 

[Tianjin, isn't it time to go?] The man asked Tianjin through telepathy. 

[Yes, master. But the young master is stubborn. Should we drag him?] Tianjin's blue eyes glinted as she looked at Zhao Yun. 

[Mm. Do it.] Zhao Yang calmly responded before glancing at Lai Jiayi, who didn't even pay attention to him from the start.