"Hippo Face Mask"

Lai Jiayi was so shocked that she almost fainted from Yaya's iffy behaviour. Even Bunnie looked at Yaya in horror. 

This...what other personalities does Yaya have other than the flirty Yaya? What if there's a cold-blooded Yaya or even worse…

A perverted Yaya? 

Just thinking about the possibilities drove Lai Jiayi and Bunnie at the edge of the cliff. Both of them looked at each other with a half-crying face. 

Someone, get Yaya back to his old self! 

Despite Lai Jiayi's desperate wish, Yaya didn't turn back to his old self until the time ran out. Once the timer hit 00:00, only then Yaya slowly regained his usual character. 

"..." The duck looked at Lai Jiayi and Bunnie, hugging each other while sitting on the emergency stairs. 

His face was dark as he recalled the hellish and most embarrassing 5 minutes in his entire life. 

Yaya wanted to commit suicide.