"A Silent Kill"

Zhao Yang's eyes were burning in a stern light as he watched Tianjin take over the driving system. 

'With Tianjin controlling the car, I don't have to worry even if a bomb is dropped.' 

Zhao Yang has an absolute confidence in Tianjin and his well-designed car. He could say that this car wasn't a mere sports car. It was also a moving fortress that provided medicine and safety for the passengers. 

He learnt from the car incident happening to his lover, and that's why he was extremely cautious about his car. 

[Done, master. I also activated the weaponry in case of emergency. Sadly the detector system and the invisible mode is broken.] Tianjin reported with a grim face. 

[Hm, not too bad. Just...keep your guard.] 

By now, the dust covering their car slowly subsided even though they still couldn't see anything.

"If any of you are wounded...treat the wound with the emergency first aid kit, "