"Killing Everyone"

Just when he ordered Ji Zhuang to go up while they took shelter inside the car, a loud explosion noise shook the entire car. 


Fire blazed everywhere, and Ji Zhuang, who was close to the explosion source, was thrown away several meters apart from the car. Even her helmet was tossed away from her head.

"What the–  '' Lai Jiayi was instantly alarmed. She glanced at the side window next to her head, only to see Ji Zhuang's motorcycle was blown to pieces. 

The fire became larger, and it almost touched the car if not for Tianjin's accurate reaction to back off. 

The car might be stuck here, but they could still go back down or simply move to the front a bit. 

"This…." Zhao Yang's face turned ashen. He quickly looked back and saw Ji Zhuang with a bloody face lying next to the car. 

She was wounded quite severely, and she was too far from the car for the people inside the car to help her.