"Not The Worst"

With Zhao Yang's superb movement that one couldn't describe, he avoided bullets to his vital area. 

Only his palms and neck were somehow grazed with a lot of bullet wounds. 

Aside from that, he was completely safe. The same went for Lai Jiayi. Using the car to her advantage, the girl looked even better than Zhao Yang. 

The chest protector protected her from stray bullets, and she would always hide her head behind the car or the tree to avoid shots. 

Despite the rain of bullets, only her legs and arms were grazed. Blood kept tickling out, yet it was only a minor wound 

"Let's go, boss!" Lai Jiayi felt her body burning in passion as she assisted Zhao Yang. The girl fired some electric bullets at several people who had slowly shown their figure. 


The girl successfully immobilised 2 people at once. Both men dropped their large bazooka-like weapons and fell to the ground, floundering hard.