"Finally Here"

One might wonder why Zhao Yang didn't enter the car and chose to dangle outside instead. Some people who saw this couldn't help but think that the young man was courting death. 

Without the protection of his anti-bullet clothes, how could he avoid death? 

Even Tianjin thought so. However, when she asked it to Zhao Yang, the latter just calmly explained. 

[If I enter the car, the moment we reach Lai Jiayi's place, I will still have to come out and take her in.] 

[Can't she just crawl inside by herself?] Tianjin had a perplexed expression as she controlled the car. 

The car's tires continued to bump into the pebbles and uneven ground underneath, shaking the car's inside. 

Zhao Yang's voice was slightly shaking as he answered. [Don't you see that she's gravely wounded? It's already a miracle that she didn't faint or die. How can she move on her own?] 

Zhao Yang rolled his eyes at Tianjin's remarks.