"Explain This Video"

"Don't worry. I finish them off. All of them." Zhao Yang calmly answered. In front of his father, who was a head taller than him, the young man looked like a teenager instead. 

This grandpa truly didn't look like a grandpa. At most, he would be a hot sugar daddy in his forties? Well, he had a thick oriental look, so maybe cool and handsome fit him more than the word 'hot'. 

If Lai Jiayi were here, she would undoubtedly choose Zhao Zin, Zhao Yang's dad without a single hesitation. That old man was her perfect type...if only he didn't speak, though. 

Once he opened his mouth, he destroyed his refined and calm appearance. He looked more like a barbarian. 

"Dad, let me tell you, you don't need to do anything, okay? I already handle the business." Zhao Yang once again reminded his father, who was wrapped in a similar ancient china clothing as his mom.