"Which Lai Family?" 

Zhao Yang mulled over his mom's words for a bit. He was a bit taken aback by the suggestion because he never thought of inviting Lai Jiayi. He even forgot he had a party. 

"Yes, good idea. I'll invite her. As for the other gifts...I already think of something." Zhao Yang patted his shoulder and sighed. 

A party, huh? That will be a good idea…

"Good, good! Son, introduce her to us at the party, okay? We need to personally thank our son's saviour!" Zhao Lan excitedly nudged Zhao Yang's ribs. 

If the woman inserted just the slightest strength in that nudge, Zhao Yang would already scream in pain. 

The young man's face rapidly changed. He hurriedly distanced himself from his mom, afraid that his ribs would break. 

"Yes, yes, I will introduce her to you guys. But don't bully her, and don't say anything. She's just an acquaintance, " Zhao Yang tried to calm his parents' excited heart.