"Pleasant Surprise"

Friday, week 4. 5:30 a.m 

Zhao Yang rested until 5 a.m. He then changed his clothes, took a dry bath before asking the doctor about Lai Jiayi's condition. 

"Lady Lai's condition is getting better, but I suggest you let her rest for one more day." The old doctor in charge of Lai Jiayi fixed his hologram glasses as he stood in front of the girl's treatment room. 

"Hm, that's good to hear. What about my bodyguard? Can you fix her burnt skin?" Zhao Yang stood straight as he asked. 

This morning, the man wore a long coat with a neat collar. The half-black and half-white coat plus his black digital tie managed to make the man look as cool as before. 

The edge of the coat was long, reaching his thigh, but only one side was that long. This fashion was as unique as usual, considering the man also paired his coat with tight black trousers.