"Birthday Event" 

Lai Jiayi's face turned red in the blink of an eye. Smoke rose from her mouth, and white steam flooded out of her nostrils. The girl seemed to be overheated. 

This...when...when did I kiss Zhao Yang?? 

Seeing Lai Jiayi on the edge of fainting, Yaya instantly knew the cause. But because he wasn't present when Zhao Yang 'kissed' Lai Jiayi, he also didn't know what the hell happened. 

"This...Bunnie, did Zhao Yang really kiss Jia, quack?" Yaya cocked his head as he looked at Lai Jiayi, who was tucking the blanket to cover her body. 

The girl now hid underneath the blanket out of shame. 

"A-ah, it's not a real kiss, senior. It's like this…" Bunnie hurriedly explained the incident. She showed Yaya the video that she took yesterday, and after Yaya watched it, only then he nodded.