"The Game's Difficulty Rises?" 

Zhao Yun's eyes widened, and disbelief washed all over his face. The boy's face then darkened rapidly. He looked as if he just swallowed a sh*t. 

This...what is this thing, uncle?! 


Lai Jiayi watched Zhao Yang calmly strode over to her bed with a paper-metallic bag on  his hand. It looked like bags used for gifts. 

Zhao Yang halted his steps next to the bed and casually sat at the edge of the bed as if the bad belonged to him. 

"How are you feeling? Good? If you want to go home, you can ask to get discharged this noon." Zhao Yang placed the paper bag on the floor next to his leg as he asked Lai Jiayi with eyes full of concern. 

Lai Jiayi was truly taken aback by the young man's sudden gentle treatment toward her. It was as if the young man turned into an angel when he was a devil before. 

Uh...maybe saving this man's life truly works well?