"Harming Herself" 

"Anyway, I think...rather than framing her, I suggest us do something to make her stop approaching Zhao Yang on her own." The black-eyed woman continued her speech while swaying her long legs. 

"What do you mean? Do we harm her?" The red-haired woman raised an eyebrow, looking quite suspicious of the woman's remarks. 

Didn't this woman just say not to harm Lai Jiayi anymore? Is she bluffing? 

"No. Not quite harming her like what Xiu Mei did. We can just use this girl's phobia." The black-haired woman curled the edge of her lips. 

"Once we make use of this phobia...that girl can't approach Zhao Yang even if she wants to." 

Phobia? Lai Jiayi's phobia of men? That's quite logical, but...it's still too vague. 

"...good idea. But how do we do that? My informant said that the b*tch is already recovering quite well from her phobia, especially in front of the boss." The woman with a bob cut asked in urgency.