"Everyone Needs A Saviour"

Lai Jiayi twisted her toes anxiously. The girl didn't dare look at Mr Lai's face since she detected anger from those amber eyes. 

Ah, why is dad angry? Did Zhao Yang tell him about her getting a job? Wait– that could be! Dad won't like it, ah! 

Lai Jiayi let out a long sigh, and before her dad could scold her for so many things, the girl suddenly opened her mouth. 

"Wait, dad, okay, I know, it's my fault that I get a job behind your back, but...but I have to do it…" Lai Jiayi approached her dad's bed and tried to coach her father.

She didn't want to argue with her dad when they just met each other for so long. 

"I...I will stop working in two months, okay? How is it? My study is still good. Job doesn't hinder my college at all…" Lai Jiayi had a pure smile on her face as she sat on the king-sized bed. 

Once her butt sank into the soft bed, she sighed in relief.