"Forgotten Invitation"

Mr Lai cherished Lai Jiayi like she's the most valuable being in the world. So, how could he not accept her noble request? 

"For now, let's focus on building the company. After that, we can recruit your friends to work for us. Got it?" Mr Lai retracted his hand and spoke in a stern tone. 

"Mn. Get it. Thanks, dad. If you need help, just ask me, okay? I can still help you to do some work…" Lai Jiayi stood up and smiled at her dad. Now that her father approved of her plan to save the players, she felt relieved. 

"Don't worry. Just focus on your work and studies." Mr Lai nodded. The middle-aged man then started to ask Lai Jiayi about her daily life for the past months, engaging the two in a warm conversation. 

Time passed by, and it was time to separate since Shen Jun allowed the visitor to meet Mr Lai only for 30 minutes.