"Event-only Gift Shop" 

"So, think, quack, think!" The duck swayed his golden chain necklace. No one knew since when the dumb duck wore the necklace. 

"Forget about the performer skill quack!" 

"I know, I know, the performer skill is not that important, but, aish…" Lai Jiayi shook her head. She took a deep breath and tried to let it go. 

Yes. Let it go~ let it go~ can't hold it back anymore~ 

Wait. It sounded like she wanted to pee or take sh*t but couldn't…

Ah, peh! No! Focus! 

Lai Jiayi slapped both of her cheeks as she shook her head. 

"Okay, okay, I get it. Focus! Ehem." The girl cleared her throat and took a deep breath before truly letting go of her grievance toward the unfinished performer skill mission. 

"Kay, guys, now let's focus on the obligation mission and the gift for Zhao Yang. Any idea?" Lai Jiayi straightened her back, trying to look stern. "It's best if we can give a gift that also counts as flirting."