"Unboxing Gift Tradition" 

"What is it? Why are you so loud? Did you find a way to revive the dead?" Smart Yaya rolled his eyes as his venomous tongue started to roll away. 

He's slightly similar to Lord Yang this way….

"Ah, no, no. I just remembered a good pickup flirting line featuring the otters!" Lai Jiayi clenched her fists as she took another look at the otter figurine on display. 

This figurine...isn't your average one. 

Looking closer, the otter figurine actually wasn't just a single otter. It was a couple, and the male carried the female in a typical princess carry. It's so romantic and adorable. 

Even if it's actually a bit too cute to be a gift for a male, especially someone as cold as Zhao Yang, but the item's function was perfect. 

Considering the benefit she would get after giving Zhao Yang the figurine, Lai Jiayi didn't hesitate to pick the item. 


TING! [You have purchased the all-rounded couple otter figurine.]