"Makeover First Stage: Done!" 

Paired with golden high heels and silver necklaces with tear-shaped pendant, the outfit would look beautiful as hell. 

The projector even showed the eye mask that Lai Jiayi would use, and it's a gradient blue butterfly with golden thread at the edge, looking mysterious yet elegant. 

Lai Jiayi was simply speechless at the outfit Tianjin chose. 

Is Tianjin's fashion sense really this good? No wonder Zhao Yang relies on her for even choosing a dress! 

Lai Jiayi snuck a glance at Tianjin and stuck out her tongue. Her eyes were green with envy that Zhao Yang's AI was so talented compared to the two boys on her side. 

Only Bunnie could somehow soothe her heart. 

"There. How is it? Is it to your liking?" Tianjin suddenly nudged Lai Jiayi while shooting an impatient glare at the girl. Her eyes said, 'Hurry, pick this dress and change into it, you moron!'