"Heat and Chill Game" 

Lai Jiayi shook her head as she ignored whoever just came. That woman might be one of the guests who tried to hide in the outer circle to win the game…

Well, no. That's Yu Ziyuan. 

Lai Jiayi didn't know that Yu Ziyuan was the one running toward her just now and left in a hurry. She didn't need to know, anyway. 

Thus, Lai Jiayi abandoned her thoughts and sneakily opened the blurry glass door. Before the moonlight entered the hall through the opened door, she slipped out without a sound. 

The girl then carefully closed the door to prevent any light from entering the hall. If that happened, someone might know that the female guests came to the balcony. 

Coincidentally, the moment Lai Jiayi closed the glass door, the thermal-vision monocle in her hand stopped functioning, and the MC's voice sounded. 

"Time's up! Now the gentlemen shall find their partner!"