"Fell On Her Butt"

Zhao Yang's heart tightened. Lai Jiayi's terrified face lingered in his mind. He couldn't just ignore it. 

Why? Why are you looking so scared? What's wrong? There's no one harming you here– wait. 

Zhao Yang paused as if someone pressed his pause button. His muddy eyes lit up for a millisecond. 

Don't tell me...I'm the one scaring her? It can't be, right? Wait. Wait. What am I doing now? Am I going to do something harmful to her? 

Zhao Yang's head throbbed again when he just regained a bit of his rationality. The young man furrowed his eyebrows as he kept his face an inch away from Lai Jiayi's face. 

Getting this close...he was tempted to do something….

But out of the blue, his finger accidentally brushed off a cold, metallic surface of a thing. 

It was a fruit knife. 

The chilling metallic sensation stung his finger, like a bucket of cold water dumped to his head. It managed to pull back his rationality for a second.