"Men Are Wolves!" 

Contrary to Lai Jiayi, who would faint if she was awake, Zhao Yang appeared to be calm. He was nowhere near his crazed self when he was under the drug's effect. 

"Hmm, so she won't wake up soon. Good. This way, we won't need to worry." Zhao Yang carefully placed Lai Jiayi on the backseat and sat next to her. 

He intended to put her on the right side while he sat on the left side, but before he could place Lai Jiayi on her designed seat, the girl suddenly groaned. 

"Uh...dad…" A muffled voice slipped out of her lips as her hands abruptly clutched Zhao Yang's chest, crumpling his ruffled tie. 

The young man couldn't help but stiffen. He was already one step inside the car and half-way to enter it...but he was actually still standing on the balcony's railing, okay?! One slip and they would die.