00.1 - Terms

[[ Races ]]

Humanoid Species - A race that has four limbs which are two arms and two legs. Has an average height of 1.5 Meters and also has a full set of face parts (Nose, Ears, Eyes, Mouth)

Ex: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Spirits, Faeries, Giants, Vampires, etc.

Monster Species - A race that has a massive 'abnormality' with its own body. Typically shown with a different body part compared to a Humanoid.

Ex: Lamia. Mermaid, Centaur, Arachne, Harpy, Werewolf, etc.

Mutant Species - A race that has the incomplete or complete powers of another race. It is mostly due to genetically which means that the person has another race as his ancestor.

Ex: A Vampire has both the powers of a Vampire and an Elf.

Halfling Species - A race that is considered different from a 'whole race'. It is mostly considered of people with two halves of two races. The difference between a Mutant is that it is considered to have much purer or potentially stronger than a Mutant.

Ex: Half-(???), Dhampir, Zombie, Ghost, Demi-(???), etc.



*What is the best example for the differences between a Mutant and a Halfling*


Being or Becoming a Mutant is considered common, as it was said in the fanfic, 50% of the Population are considered Mutants. But the thing is, their meta abilities are random. They wouldn't know what ability they would get. They would either be lucky or unlucky since meta abilities would give out something random which means something bad or called 'Villanous' would affect their life deeply.

But for the Halflings, they would have something already expected, for example, a union between an Angel and a Demon would create a new race called 'Nephalem' that has the abilities of both an Angel and a Demon for sure, it could even have the powers of a God since both an Angel and a Demon has the ancestor of a God, which could also make them something called 'Half-Mutant'. While this is considered easy to produce, the problem lies in the two figures that would create the offspring. Races often have disputes against each other, like how Elves and Faeries hated the Humans due to them destroying their homes, or Humans hating on Vampires and Zombies due to them feeding on them.

Something that is much rarer than the two combined is something called 'Half-Mutant'. Like what was said earlier, they could both have the racial powers of Halflings and have the unknown numbers of meta abilities that Mutants have.

*Differences between Humanoid Species, Monster Species, and Halfling Species*


The answer lies in how they could cultivate their powers are. Monster Species often or commonly cultivate their 'Body Foundations', which is a massive example of why races like Dragons have the best physical strength on almost all of the races there are, and also on how Humanoids have limits on building their Body Foundations.

Humanoid Species on the other hand cultivates their 'Mental Foundation' or in other words, their ability to manipulate matter outside of the body. For example, Vampire has the ability to control blood outside of their own bodies, which means they have to bleed before they could control blood. Whilst Monster Species also have the ability to build up their Mental Foundations, it is also considered rare because of how strong their 'Inner Demons' are.

For Halfling Species on the other hand, already depends on what Half-Race they are. If its a combination of a Humanoid Species, then obviously they would have the ability to cultivate their own 'Mental Foundations'. If its the combination of a Humanoid and a Monster, then they have the ability to build up their foundations on both Mental and Body, but this is considered too troublesome since one needs to be very talented to do such things.

( Please comment on what your questions are. )