Bridge (2)

"I see… we really need the elementalists, huh," Edward said. "Well, they should be getting tired of sleeping outdoors, so pretty soon they will accept my offer, but their loyalty…"

"I am still working on that," Billy said. "Still, I should get some results soon enough."

"That is good to hear," Edward said. "If you accomplish that, I have something even better than that glaive waiting for you. I am sure you will like it."

Those words made Billy more worried than anything, still, he forced a smile and then left the place. While he was walking toward the training grounds, Billy wondered what he should do. First of all, he had to make the elementalists more relaxed around him, but since they feared the possibility of revealing more secrets, they were keeping their distance. So, Billy had to show them that it was useless… by learning Wind and Fire Manipulation. He tried to perform those on the way, but he failed at that.