Bridge (4)

"Hmm…" Billy rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Around two months had passed since the elementalists joined their side, and some rumors were spreading that Edward was already planning the operation to build the bridge. It will take a while, and since the river was far away, those who will there will have to stay for quite a while. Thanks to that, Billy was wondering if he should teach his siblings Earth Manipulation. Although they were barely four years old, they actually could meditate, and over the course of the last month, their mana increased considerably. Despite being kids, they were diligent and wanted to do the same as the rest of the family. After all, even Drew learned Earth Manipulation. Still, it might be dangerous to teach that to kids so small.

"Are you fine with that, mom?" Billy asked. "I am not sure about this, to be honest.

"It is okay, they are good kids, nothing bad will happen," Camilla said and then smiled. "You are such a worrywart."